
The North Tour


Having done Gozo, we turned our attention to discovering the main island. After a leisurely breakfast we waited for our hop on hop off bus . Almost on time. However a real rusty one, the elements really took their toll on the top level. It was just a collecting bus, which dropped us off at Sleima port where we ended up waiting for almost half an hour, having just missed the previous one. The bus wasn’t much different. Regretted buying tickets for this tour bus company, the other one was so much better, and for the same price.

We were taking the North Tour. Our first stop was the bus station at Valletta. Originally it was built to be a fortress to protect the 2 harbours. Just a short walk and we were in. Found ourselves walking down the Republic street. Wonderfully wide street, those gorgeous old buildings once again .
Hate it when our time is limited. So many things to see, to visit and so little time. Most of the high street brands were there, but we didn’t really want to shop.



Couldn’t resist the ice-cream though, it was delicious art in a cone. The only thing that my Mum wanted to visit was the Barrakka Gardens. So that is what we did. Gardens as I mentioned earlier were a bit of a disappointment for me. This was the case here as well, few plants, trees, but nothing like the lush vegetation of Madeira.

The breath-taking view of the Grand Harbour and the Three Cities ( Birgu, Bormia and Isla) made up for it.

Spent quite some time just taking in the view. Reminded me of Venice.




Next stop (for us) was Mdina. As we entered that gate , it was like travelling back in time. Buildings from the 14th, 15th century incredibly well preserved, people are still living , working in them. Immensely enjoyed wandering around the narrow streets, marvelling at the gorgeous balconies, colourful doors, while regularly stepping aside letting residents driving past. Imagined how hard it must be for them to put up with the constant stream of tourists in front of their homes.

When I am home at our mountain log cabin, the hundreds of tourists stopping and taking pictures upsets me a lot. After all the reason we built the house there, so we could be far away from civilisation in the middle of the forest. Little did I know that many forest trails go right in front of us.

So I tried not to take pics with people in it, tried not to be too curious.

Visited the St. Paul’s Cathedral, another majestic one. Couldn’t resist buying a book about Mdina and a few fridge magnets. That is what everyone gets back home.

Someone said that how much he hates getting them, because they are constant reminders of his unsuccessful life. While others travel and bring him these magnets, he can only look at them on his fridge door. Perhaps I should stop buying them??? Personally I love having them, each time I open the door looking at them brings back happy memories.


After Mdina came Rabat with St. Paul’s Church…I lost count of the cathedrals, churches we’ve seen.

By then weather got cloudy and slowly started to rain. Sitting on top level of the bus wasn’t fun anymore, moved down and soon we got of at St. George Bay.

For dinner we visited again our mojito place. Sadly the bartender must have been a different one, or perhaps he just thought that we should have a virgin one. After complaining we opted for a Long Island Iced Tea. Same mezze selection with some grilled vegetables and fish, chocolate mousse with pistachio for desert. My Mum was full of spirits, making her drink helps. The more she drinks, the funnier she gets.

Sadly she stopped after one, was too busy posting pics on Facebook. :)

As I was planning the next day, the realisation struck me again. 4 days are not enough. Just when you are about to really enjoy something, really feel it, sense it, hear it, smell it, it is taken away from you…then comes the next sight and another and another. Time is ticking and you have to move on…

So here is how I would like to do it. With no time limit, stay as long as I like at any place, preferably drive around and discover the undiscovered (if there is any :) ).

One day perhaps.

Meanwhile we’ve got two more days left. To visit Marsaxlokk, the gorgeous fishing village and the Island of Comino. And can I just walk around St’t Julian please?

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