Solid as a Rock

Solid as a Rock

Solid as a rock. Or at least try to be. For my sake and for the sake of my son, I must. Have my own set of rules to follow, have expectations and high hopes for him.

Sometimes he accuses me of expecting too much of him, wanting 100% all the time.
This is so not true.

Must admit, I hate studying with him. Believe they should teach all they need in school, and whatever is left of the day should be spent playing.
Especially so at weekends.

Since he is studying 2 languages at the same time, spelling is the most difficult part. Constantly spells the words as if they were english ones. Practice, practice, practice…which always ends in arguments, me shouting, him getting more and more defensive and storming upstairs, escaping to his room, his safe haven.

His Dad just told me that if I were to teach in a school, they would fire me in a heartbeat. Not true. Spent two years teaching some time ago, though I was a PE teacher. :)

So how should I go about it? Know I should praise him instead of punishing him by taking away his iPad and PS4.

Yes, Santa did bring him finally the so awaited PS4. I am not sure we did the right thing. He starts the day with it….dreams of ending the day with it.

My son doesn’t laugh. He plays. My son doesn’t eat. He plays.. And I fight. Hard to do it, when you don’t have someone to back you up. When his Dad thinks that all is well, and we should just let him play as long as he wants, after all it is his holiday.

If he doesn’t play, he watches TV, or plays on his iPad, or his Dad’s phone.
Why can’t they play together? Why can’t they talk, have serious and not so serious father and son talks?

Why is it ok that his Dad just sits next to him? And I don’t just want to blame him. Most of the men are like this.

Ok, they work really hard and by the time they get home all they want to do is eat and kick back and relax. The last thing on their list is to discipline their offspring.

For those fathers who see their kids only on vacations it is even more difficult. Hard to bond, find the common language with them if you don’t take them to school, if you are not there when they are hurt, or lost a soccer game. You are not the one who gives them the hated medicine when they got fever, you don’t know anything about the arguments he had with his best friend, who is by the way is not his best friend anymore. Or at least not till tomorrow.

I understand them. And I feel sorry for them. I wish I could tell them , make them realise how much stuff they are missing out on. How great it is to be a parent. How proud you feel when you sit at your child’s piano concert, how amazing it is when you snuggle under a blanket and watch movies with him while eating popcorn and listening to his chatter about Minecraft.
Or when you are driving to school and singing the Big Time Rush theme song with him.
The best thing that ever happened to me is him. With all the arguments, tears included.

He is 142 cm, wears size 37 shoes. Got gorgeous brown hair and amazing green eyes . Extremely bright, especially at Math. He loves to write, writes his own comic books . Not so good at spelling and can get impatient. Very affectionate , loving child.

He loves his Dad. His rock.  Wish his Dad would realise that!

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