New Beginnings

New beginning

New year, new beginnings, or so we think.

Many of us make new year resolutions, wowing to change our lives once we pass midnight…. just one more glass of bubbly, just a small slice of cake, just one more kiss from the one who you are not meant to be with…then no more.

Doesn’t work. So I don’t make new year resolutions.
That doesn’t mean that I have no plans for 2016.
I do. Lots. But I am not gonna beat myself up if I cannot achieve all of them.
Accept 80% success rate. :)

So here it goes:

– the book
– getting rid of my knee pain and shoulder pain
– adding to the family ( a puppy or…?)
– turning more of the land around the house into a proper garden
– more regular workouts
– more sleep
– photography courses
Just a few of the things that I would like to complete in 2016.
But basically I just want to be happy, enjoy life to the fullest!

While 2015 has been an incredible year, especially on the travel front, this year I would like to spend more time at home, enjoying more of our house and the garden.

Meanwhile I am enjoying what Madeira has to offer . Just a few more days.

We spent the last day of 2015 wandering around, the weather was incredible down in Funchal , while up here at Palheiro the houses were covered in clouds. So weird. One minute the sky is blue, next minute the clouds appear from the middle of nowhere and thick fog descends us. Eerie. Just like back home.

Left rain and fog behind, down by the Forum Madeira the sun was shining, and was walking just in a sleepless top. Half way through our walk stopped by the Cliff Bay for refuelling once again. Our son needs the break, otherwise we will just have to listen to his usual and constant moaning “ I wish I was back home , I can’t take another step, I am starving.”

After some cappuccinos, apple pies with vanilla ice cream we were on our way.
I noticed, the closer we get to our departure date, the more we walk on this route. It is like saying good bye to Madeira, almost knowing all the trees, buildings by now.
There is the “ abandoned” one next to the Cliff Bay hotel.
I would love to have that house, right on the edge. In my mind’s eye it a gorgeous house with a flower garden surrounding it, the lady is sipping her tea gazing out the window, the great blue ocean is at her feet.

My son promised to buy it for me when he grows up, How sweet. Although I think it already belongs to the hotel or it will soon.
By the afternoon the clouds were gathering. Started to rain. We were getting worried. We had a booking for a table at La Ao Fundo outside, only if it doesn’t rain. We could have had a table inside, but we were not planning to spend the night down there, just wanted to have dinner.

We took a taxi anyways. And by magic, the rain stopped.
I had my usual saffron risotto with sea bream fillets. Absolutely hooked on it. I eat nothing else, every single time we go there, have to order it. The saltiness of the fish and the parmesan on my tongue with the sharp taste of the lime at every single bite , followed by the creamy, smooth risotto…heaven.
Love the chef and his wife. I think they are the kind of people who work hard, play hard. Always so full of energy, joy. You can tell when someone is doing what he loves, when work is his passion. He is like that. He honestly told us that by 11.20 he wants everyone out because he is off to party.

After a wonderful dinner we took a stroll , was incredibly crowded. But peaceful, not so crowded that you would feel scared, like once we happened to spend New Year’s Eve with A on the streets of London. That was scary, people pushing against my body, was afraid. We didn’t want to be there, just could not get a taxi. But that was a long time ago.

Madeira is safe. Wherever I go, I feel safe. Even at night. Even alone.

Decided to get home early. A taxi driver told us, that the street below us will be full of cars, the locals will be gathering to watch the fireworks from there. So true. It was packed. People were having a party there, foods, drinks on small tables or just in the trunk of their cars. There was even a guy roasting chestnuts.

Luckily we didn’t have to do that. All we had to do is just go to our terrace, and take in the view.
When we bought this house, we were told that this is the best place to watch it from. They did not lie.

It was incredible. Only lasted for 8 minutes, but wow….it all happened in front of us and with the perfect view of Funchal and bay we could see everything. It was so real, so close, that our son ran inside a few times, thinking the fireworks will hit him.

So far the best for us. We only have the previous one to compare it with though.
What a way to start the year!

They all went to sleep soon afterwards. I couldn’t. Tossed and turned till I gave up and tiptoed down.

What is it with me and the ocean?
Love sitting out on the terrace and just taking in the view. The vastness of it, how the clouds almost touch the surface, how the colours change constantly, incredible. It never ceases to amaze me.

Great blue ocean…at my feet. Still dark. All is quiet. Son and father still asleep. Just you and I.
Can I take you home?

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