I’ve been silent. Forced to be. Technology played tricks on me, again. Our land line, internet and TV services had been non existent for 3 days. I am not surprised at all. I find it almost weird if things go well for more than a week straight.
This time however it wasn’t their fault. They’ve been fixing the roads, paths around us. Since the area we live at is a nature reserve, no concrete roads are allowed. So truckloads of sand was brought in instead. One of these trucks as it was trying to unload its heavy burden, managed to cut off one of the lines. It took the company 3 days to figure it out… The monotone voice at the other end told me that they have 72 hours to fix the problem. Why 72? Why not 48? In this day and age isn’t it just a matter of minutes, hours to figure it out if a line is cut? Don’t they see red lights flashing or something like that? Ok, probably it is not so. But if we can send a man to the Moon and planning on colonising the Mars, can’t we fix a simple thing like a phone line, even if it is up in the mountains?
Try being without all these. You feel very isolated. Gone are the chitchats with your sis while you are cooking dinner. No tv going on in the background. And I actually had to get out my cookery books when I was looking for a cake to bake for my niece’s birthday.
The plus side was and extra hour or two beauty sleep, more time to read instead of uploading and looking at IG friend’s pictures and managed to sort out my son’s room finally.
Xmas is just around the corner. Each year we gather all of his clothes, shoes he has outgrown. This time we are giving away quite a lot of his toys too. It is incredible how much stuff you collect over the years. But in order to get you must give first. The law of the Universe.
Some kids will be having a happy Xmas. And I love to make people happy. As simple as that. It is just not always easy.
December my Mum is coming to visit us in Madeira. Thought she will be over the Moon. Well, not so. Since she found out, she has been so freaked out about how to change planes (mind you the Lisbon airport is a really simple airport to find your way around and she has been there before ), what to pack, what to wear…that she managed to worry herself into pheunomia . Bedrest for weeks. Hope she will be OK by December.
Not easy to please the ones you love.
I am much better with my flowers. Practicing tough love though. Don’t have the time, the capacity to wrap up every single plant, place them in sheltered spots, protect them from snow, frost, wind… they are on their own. If they want to live in my garden, must survive. But I do talk to them, words of encouragement and love.
Absolutely adore my pink roses that bloom despite of the cold November nights, the red one that had been struggling with the lonicera japonica all summer and finally rewarded me with a single bloom with its intoxicating scent.
The ornamental grasses that were not meant to survive here, the magnolias under my kitchen window, the astilbes next to the gate, the fluffy pink ones that almost died while we were away in July, yet came back to life after some tender loving care…. the list is endless…I love them with passion. Passion that will never die.
Might subside a bit, go into hibernation.
Winter came early. Snowing again.
“Baby it’s cold outside ….”