Taken by Tomatoes

Taken by Tomatoes

This time the forecast was right. Walking over to the balcony saw the dark grey sky looking up, and people with umbrellas when looking down. It was raining.

During a pleasant breakfast, which consisted of eggs of all types for my son as usual, discussed plans for the day.

Sometimes I wonder, if I wasn’t with them what would they do? Just walk around and sit in coffees?Every single day the same routine?
Last year while I was away with my sis on our yearly trip to Norway, I left my son with his dad. Though at the beginning he immensely enjoyed his unlimited iPad time and countless bottles of Fanta with his dad, by day 3 he started sending me messages about being bored and wanting me to come home to him.

So when we are together, I am in charge, I am the one who makes plans, get my guide book out, figure out which sight is worth a visit.

Our first choice was the one my son wanted to do, the Aquarium. Luckily we got there before the crowd, got in pretty fast.

It is much bigger then our Tropicarium in Budapest or the Scientific Centre in Kuwait. It’s got an 80 m long tunnel under the water, sharks and all sorts of other fishes are swimming above your head.

Kids are fascinated by sharks, we all are. At the end we walked out of the souvenir shop without buying anything, My son is weird. :)

Toyed with the idea of visiting the Zoo, but did not want to freak out his dad, so took a cab to the Boqueria Market.

We all love wandering around markets, stopping at various foodstalls, smelling, touching, tasting.
This one is a paradise for our senses.
Located in Ramblas, this market is one of the largest ones in Europe.
It sells everything you can ever imagine , fresh fruits and veggies, seafood, meats, hams, sweets. You find several bars selling seafood, tapas, all so delicious and incredibly fresh.

I was particularly taken by the tomatoes. There were so many of them. I saw a guy who was only selling tomatoes , huge ones, small ones, cherry tomatoes, beef tomatoes, so many varieties. Wish I bought some.
Loved their prices, a glass of fresh juice is just 1 euro, a full box of strawberries for 3 euro. Walking around I was already mentally preparing dinners in my head, picturing myself shopping for fresh mussels and shrimps for our dinner, picking up portobello mushrooms to be grilled, so as to prove my son that mushrooms can be delicious.

Unfortunately we had to leave this heaven and found ourselves walking in the rain. No, we weren’t singing in the rain. Actually we got soaking wet, so went in to a coffee called Gelatiamo. Spent the next hour or so with great cappuccinos and hot chocolates. Not to mention the wifi! :)
Accidentally later on we bumped into another market, called Santa Catarina.

It was originally built in 1845. Yes, such a long time ago, yet it is still serving the neighbourhood , providing fresh produce daily. It is a lovely building , with its roof attached to the building by a wooden structure, recently renovated in 2005.

Really loved this part of Barcelona, the old buildings, the narrow streets , the aged pale blue and green shutters, the cast iron balconies, the tiny little shops, bakeries, its got history and charm.

Walked and walked, me looking up at these fantastic masterpieces of architecture, M looking straight ahead and stepping into every puddle he found , his dad looking down, probably counting steps. We are a funny family.

Later on back in the hotel room service lunch and some time relaxing. Self indulgent times, snuggling in bed with a great book and some chocolates brought from the Lufthansa flight.

More walk at night, At the Rambla de Mar. We visited the Maremagnum, a shopping mall situated “in the water” approachable through a wooden pier. It is a great place to shop, or just eat in one of their restaurants by the water. This is where we had our first dinner.
This time however we continued our walk, walking by great big , luxurious yachts, replicas of old ships. Hundreds of ships, boats of all types and sizes, fantastic sight.

Upon reaching the sandy beach it is hard not to go down there and run into the sea, even though it is cold. This time we exercised self control, and we just watched the waves from far away. Saw so many dogs happily running around, their owners teaching them new tricks, they must be allowed then here. How nice.

Back home, dogs are not allowed to get into the lake or the river at public beaches.

At the end of our walk of course there was a restaurant, a sea food restaurant. I have never seen a restaurant this busy, we did a quick calculation while sipping on our local red wine ( Borratxos or something like this, on its label two astronauts are having wine :) ), and came to the conclusion, that our waiter must have walked at least 20 km by then.
Dinner was great, though the Andalusian style squid was too oily and tasteless. The seafood platter was fantastic, we even got desert with the bill, some kind of basbousa type cake, just not as sweet maybe.

Our evening was almost over, but not for A.
His has just started. The Casino.
When our son was small, his dad told him that he is going to work , didn’t want his only son to think bad of him.
For a long, long time he thought that his father is working in the Zino ( Casino for short ) :)

Now he knows of course the types of games his dad likes to play there.
Why is it so much fun???? Beats me.

Why would you want to be there, when you can go to bed and tell stupid little jokes to each other, laugh till it hurts, then hug his little body and fall asleep.

Blissfully unaware of the arabic kids running up and down the corridor at 1 am., a guy screaming at his wife at 3 am, and A. getting in at 4 am.
A little boy’s voice in my ear at 8 am., saying that he is hungry.
Now that I was aware of. :)

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