Love Him to Bits

Love HIm to Bits


Fluffy blue bathrobe, 2 white blankets and a stripy one. All on me. Yet still shivering while burning up inside. Resting my hands on the iMac feels so cold against my skin. Got the flu, or something like that. That’s what you get when you look after your son 24/7 for the past few days.

Despite of feeling miserable my heart is so full of love. Wonderful to know that my son is there for me, looking after me.

I’ve always been very protective of him, maybe too overprotective at times. Raised him by myself all his life, his Dad visiting him every once in a while.Them seeing each other got more frequent recently, which I am very happy for, a son needs his dad, he needs to learn how to act and behave like a man.

Walking a thin line here, while I want him to be a brave, courageous, independent man to be, I truly hope for him to be a sensitive, caring , loving person.

He is definitely a very caring, loving boy. Capable of way more things that I give him credit for.
The past two days while I came down with the flue at our lake home – The plan was to have a fantastic time , walking, hiking, taking pics, steam and sauna in the morning, pina coladas in the evening ( just me , of course not him :) ) , playing boardgames, reading and relaxing – he has been amazing.

Nobody ever took care of me like he does.

Makes me tea exactly the way I llike it. Even if it involves burns on his fingers, complete floor mopping in the kitchen and sticky scissors. He tried to get to teaspoon out of the kettle with the scissor.  Don’t ask how did it get there. :)  Keeps trying to get me to eat something at regular intervals, keeps adding or removing my blankets, adjusting the pillows, offered his pets to keep me company.

Hugs me all the time , when he goes down to play he stands under our window and signals the love sign every 10 minutes .

Picked some log home building videos for me to watch and holding his iPad for me , so I don’t exert myself.
But what made me cry (again..seem to be crying all the time ) is that he went out to take some sunset pictures for his instagram account.

The minute he got in, got a beep on my messenger. He sent me a pic to use on my instagram. He gave me his best.

Needed to write this down, so I can look at it and reread it when he drives me up the walls, when he is disrespectful and talks back, when we argue over his homework, when he is his usual cheeky self.

Love him to bits!!!!!


I am off to Feverland.

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