The Greens – Hyde Park and the Harrods


2nd of July – LONDON

The second day started off a bit slowly, took us a while to get ready. We dropped by Jown Lewis to look for something. Once again the sales people amazed me with their knowledge and enthusiasm. Try going in to Mediamarkt in Hungary and you will meet some sales guys with absolutely zero knowledge of the products they are trying to sell , who will feel insulted if you try to get some information from them.

Next stop was Hyde Park, a must see,especially since we had our wedding picnic there after getting married with Mishal’s father a zillion years ago. I vividly remember the 2 taxi drivers who were our witnesses since we knew no one in London at that time.
I felt so much better there, surrounded by the huge trees and some lovely plants and flowers. I am not a city girl,crowd and noise bothers me,I am used to the peace and quiet of the forest we are living in,feel lost in a big city like this.

Rained a bit and we were hungry so had a late breakfast there. I had a bowl of porridge with maple syrup and blueberries,a regular staple of mine. The boys had their usual eggs.
After that we walked around a bit,took some pictures and Abdullatif showed us the building across the park where a Russian guy bought the penthouse for 140 million pounds and spent an additional 30 million on furnishing it. He got quite upset when noticed that I took a picture of the neighbouring building because I liked the architectural style of it better.

God, even if I had that kind of money still wouldn’t buy an apartment there. Would rather buy a tiny island instead.
Can you think of anyone missing out on visiting Harrods while in London?
I can’t. So that’s what we did. I love it,the decoration,the ceilings,the Egyptian hall,the smells…so stylish and oh so expensive. However I wasn’t really interested in the clothes,jewellery. Been there,done that. That was a different phase of my life, that’s in the past. However the food court is different. Whatever they have there is displayed so beautifully,you just want to touch and taste everything. The pastries, the cakes, cheeses,Indian,Mexican,Japanese ready cooked dishes,the teas,chocolates,my mouth starts watering just by thinking of them.

Restrained myself and walked out of Harrods with just a few sausage rolls ( and yes, they had beef sausage rolls,perfect since we don’t eat pork).
Traveling with a kid you cannot do the usual sight seeing,at least not with our Mishal.
Watching a movie is part of it too. Minions,started off in 3D,finished it in 2D,enjoyed it nevertheless. Having a “kick back time” is also a must in our family. His Dad is from Kuwait,where everything closes between 1-4, mostly due to the heat, so he must take a nap which my son makes fun of.

He thinks it’s for babies only.
We left the hotel around 7, walked along the river,it’s a nice relaxing walk. We did cross the bridge so our little one can take better pictures of the Big Ben. He thought that they should have built 2 of them,he inherited my love of symmetry I guess.
Ended up in Chinatown and had a brief but fierce argument over where to eat dinner. We won and had a lovely meal in an Italian restaurant. The red wine was excellent ,the selection of olives delicious,had not much room for the main course. We are not big eaters, we just love to nibble all day long. Ex always regrets taking us to have a proper meal, this time again we gave the leftovers( most of our meal) to a homeless person close by.
Ended the day with some quiet time on the balcony taking in the view. It was full moon and 100x day so I made a wish. Will it come true???

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