Angels in Disguise


17th of July

Another “half handed” day. Not my favorite. Frustrates me a lot not being able to be my usual active self. The challenge of washing my hair still lies ahead. Let’s leave it for later. Luckily traveling in a car (as a passenger) or walking around can be done without using my right hand, so that’s what we did after breakfast. Visited Machino, a little town on the east side of the island. They live from agriculture and fishing. Actually it is the most important town in Madeira when it comes to history, this is where the discoverers first set foot on the island. We went to the beach immediately. So this is the famous beach with the golden sand imported from Africa. So glad they have it. We didn’t want to swim or sunbathe, having just gotten back from Porto Santo. It was quite busy, nice clean beach, ideal for playing with kids in the water. There was a lady selling bolo de cacao from her basket and also a proper coffee shop/bar where we left ex behind while we walked up the steps to have a better view. The steps lead up to the remains of a fort (I assume that’s what it was), though above that there was a half finished building that excited me more.
Among other things I just love building, fixing up properties. When I find derelict buildings, houses with sale sign on them or an abandoned land, I see endless possibilities in them. My mind starts going a mile a minute and I can already picture what it might become of with some work and tender loving care.
Seeing this building I imagined this house, sitting on the edge of a cliff, the lady who lives there is waiting for her husband to come home, scanning the horizon, shielding her eyes from the afternoon sun with her hand…and there she sees a tiny white dot, getting bigger and bigger as it approaches the harbor, she heaves a sign of relief, he is home…
My son’s scream brought me back from daydreaming, God, he scared me. He only dropped the water bottle, tumbled down the rocks, luckily just the bottle. Must pay attention more!
We saw a lot of lizards, morning glory creeping up a rocky wall, and the ocean below us. Incredibly beautiful. We promised to come back to this beach again.
I was told that this island has the oldest church on the island, called “Capela dos Milagres”. As we walked towards it we saw nice white washed houses, there was some construction work going on on some of them. The banks of Machino’s river was lush with vegetation, as expected. Took tons of pictures of it of course. Fell behind the boys, me admiring the church, the surrounding houses, gardens. Ex was in negotiations with a taxi driver by the time I got there, him speaking English, the old guy speaking Portuguese. Quickly solved the problem and we reached home safe and sound, just for a quick stop and went down to the city. Took Mish for another “boring” walk, back to that kiosk next to the Casino to book another tour. Gave up on them, tried so hard to persuade them, in vain. Mishal found an ally in his Dad, two are stronger than one. Let them stay home with their iPads and TV. The trip I booked is a Laurel Forest& Botanical Tour. Can’t wait!
We popped into the garden of the Hospicio Princesa Dona Maria Amelia. She was a princess of the Empire of Brazil. She contracted tuberculosis, and was brought here to Funchal in the hope of recovery. Despite of the healthy climate of Madeira she died on 4th of February 1853.
Her mother financed the construction of this hospital in honor of her daughter.
Has a lovely garden, with 2 really old amazing looking Dracaena Draco trees. What is interesting about this tree among other things that it doesn’t display growth rings, so the only way to tell the age of a tree is by counting the branching points till you reach the canopy. Each branch grows for about 10-15 years before it starts forming new branches again.
Good news of the day: Abdullatif finally finished all the paperwork for the golden visa, even had his fingerprints taken. Bureaucracy is everywhere. Happy for him.
Wanted to celebrate it at our new favorite Indian-Mozambique restaurant, but gave up on waiting for a table after 10 minutes. We booked one for the following evening and walked down to the harbor, our usual place. We had the things we love here the most, octopus vinaigrette, grilled lapas and grilled shrimp and squids with the garlicy bolo de caco, and the smooth red Quinta do Carmo wine . Was really late, Mish fell asleep in the taxi, me waiting for the familiar scent as we were approaching Palheiro. As I inhaled it, suddenly hit me. Brugmansia, also called Angel Trumpets. Another mystery solved. Sweet dreams!

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