It’s been hectic. Quite hectic. Again.
But never thought it will be like this when I drew the angel card that says “Prepare yourself” on Monday morning.
It all seemed so simple, just waiting for some delivery guys, was expecting a washing machine and the carpet I’ve ordered for the dining area. Plans were made to put up the chandeliers and some shelves and the mirror in the bathroom.
My new wardrobe shelves were to arrive and was looking forward to the Tea Party my son’s class was organising.
It was going to be a pleasant week , putting the finishing touches to the apartment, enjoying the short rides to school, exploring the area and having plenty of time lounging on the sofa with my book.
Instead, went to show the house to a couple who are thinking of renting it. Made me realise again what a wonderful home it is, the time and effort we put into it really did pay off.
After more than two years of completion there is absolutely nothing that I would change in it.
Love the gorgeous 200 years old wooden beams, the high ceilings, the lovely greyish blue shutters, the huge kitchen island, the wood floor, the incredible view of the mountains and the village.
Been approached by quite a few people with the intention to buy, turned them all down. It is not for sale.
Renting it out is hard as well, prefer not to go there often, seeing other people in it, in our home, not easy .
Now this was the pleasant part.
Receiving a letter saying that my car registration had been suspended was a shock .
I am the type of person who always pays her bills, tax on time, sticks to rules and regulations, sticking to the speed limit. I only had one fine so far when I’ve parked on the side of a street in front of a bakery to get a sandwich for M, at our usual place. Little did I know that they’ve put up a sign forbidding the parking on that side of the road.
Drove straight to the Registrar’s office while continuously praying that I will not be stopped by police. I had images of the police stopping me, taking my license, my car plate, having to spend weeks without a car, paying huge fines… Be positive, chided myself while tried not to notice the police cars everywhere.
Turned out that I haven’t payed my car insurance for over 6 months. Haven’t received a single bill, email, message, phone call from the insurance company. Have quite a few insurances, never had this problem before. Whose fault it was, yet to be investigated.
Luckily in less than 2 days we had it solved, with the help of some nice people.
Try imagining your life without a car. Freaked the hell out of me.
By the end of the second day I was limping again, knee pain back. Must be some connection between stress and pain.
Today I woke up with a smile…finally my chandeliers will be up! Halfway through message from school, bomb alert again…second one in two weeks. They tell me not to worry, and not to come to pick up my child.
I did worry. I did go to pick up my child. And two more. Brought them back home, fed them pizza and listened to their pillow fight , their squeals and laughter. They were home. Safe and sound with me.
Do not know what is going on, what is happening, who is behind all this?
All I know that I am scared. I don’t want to be scared. And I don’t want my son to be scared. When school and his life should be about joy, happiness, laughter.
You might call me overprotective…but don’t tell me that everything is ok when my son and hundreds of other kids are standing outside in freezing temperatures instead of learning inside a warm school, when hearing “bomb alert”, “evacuation “ is becoming normal to them.
Tomorrow is another school day.